48 Soul Point

Introduce 48 Soul Point

48 Soul Point is introduced to describe how active participants are in the 48Club ecosystem (48erNFT holders, Koge holders and DAO stakers, as well as delegators upon 48 partners who are BSC validator delegators)

Generally, the more you participate in 48-related activities, the longer your involvement, and the larger the amount of capital, the higher your score will be. It will be a weighted-average value of multiple real-time value snapshots during past days.

Official Kick-off: Oct 1st 2024.

48 Soul Point Value Real-Time Calculation:

Hold 48er NFT:

480, regardless of Balance

Hold KOGE in Wallet:

min(Balance, 48)

Staked KOGE in https://www.48.club/staking :

Staked KOGE Balance

Delegate BNB in any of https://www.48.club/validation-node:

Staked BNB Balance * 48

48 Soul Point Token:

Or 48SP Token

It serves as proof of your active participation in 48Club activities and will be the threshold for enjoying various discounts and services offered by 48Club in the future.

Notice that 48 SP Token is not transferrable, and your 48 Soul Point won't be counted until you holds a 48 SP Token. So basically, mint your 48SP Token asap.

Also Notice that you can only mint 48 SP token when your real-time 48 Soul Point Value is greater than 0.

Weighting Span

The final 48 Soul Point value will be averaged through a 48 days window with daily snapshots.

Implementation & Access

View https://soul.48.club/ to mint 48SP token or check your Soul Point value.

Check the code: https://github.com/48Club/48SoulPoint

Last updated